Award for Most Successful Diversity and Inclusion Programme

Award for Most Successful Diversity and Inclusion Programme

Award for Most Successful Diversity and Inclusion Programme

This category is for organisations that have implemented a successful Diversity and Inclusion programme. Areas that will be assessed include making the business case for diversity and inclusion, its communication, training, implementation and measurement. Judges will be looking for entries that demonstrate how your culture embraces diversity and inclusion. How its plans are in alignment with your organisation’s strategy and are being driven by the leadership team. How have you ensured that your business has diversity at the heart of its culture and is fully inclusive? What is your strategy for ensuring that people’s innate, unconscious bias is not influencing decision making and interactions in your organisation and your diversity and inclusion policies, practices and training are implemented by all involved? Your submission should demonstrate HR’s impact through all stages of the programme, from the business case to measuring the overall impact of the programme. Entries can include those where external interim resources have been brought in to achieve a positive outcome and successful behaviour change.

Download the entry form here